Section: New Results

Logical time in Model-Driven Engineering embedded design

Participants : Charles André, Frédéric Mallet, Julien Deantoni, Marie-Agnès Peraldi Frati, Arda Goknil, Nicolas Chleq.


We progressed our work on the foundations of logical time modeling as present in MARTE Time Model and our CCSL clock constraint specification language, while continuing the development of the TimeSquare tool environment which supports this in practice. A technical position paper was presented to the international TOOLS conference [22] .

ECL (Event Constraint Language

Our contributions on CCSL and Time Model to the MARTE profile are part of the standard, but so far expressed in a syntax that is clearly distinct of the former UML notations. On the other hand, UML provides a textual language, named OCL, to express well-formedness constraints on diagram models and metamodels. While the original objectives were quite different, it seemed tempting to extend or adapt the general OCL philosophy, and to apply it then to timing and performance constraints as targeted by CCSL. The goal is to able the description of MoCs in an appropriate syntax, at metamodeling level. The result was a new syntax, called ECL for event contraint language, endowed with the well-established, sound timing interpretation as in CCSL. This work was reported in [40] .

Logical time clocks to schedule data-flow models

Data-flow models can be used to capture data dependencies from applications, execution platforms and allocations. Most of the time such data dependencies impose only a partial order on the execution of application elements onto the execution platform and allow several allocation schemes. In [38] , we have shown how to use logical time and CCSL constraints to capture explicitly the partial order imposed by the data-dependencies without imposing a total order. This work of representation expressivity then paved the way for analysis studies on time refinement, described in 6.3 .

Timing requirement modeling

One of the weak points of UML regarding a complete system design flow is its poor treatment of requirement capture (although this is partly corrected in the SysML profile). When requirements are made on timing aspects and logical time (as in our advocated approach), the relevant syntactic expressivity must be provided. We worked on the definition of a Domain-Specific Language (DSL for Timing Requirements engineering. The results were presented in [24] , then applied to system specification in the context of the work described in section 6.6 .